In this activity we are going to talk about block coding, and you’ll get to try out Blockly in the Kini App for yourself! Welcome to your first tutorial for KINI. In this activity we are going to talk about the Kini App, and you’ll get to try it out for yourself! Follow the steps below to set up and use the Kini App:

Follow These Steps

  1. Open the KINI app and make sure you have your KINI robot and that it is connected to the internet.

  2. The Blockly tab is in the bottom right corner, click it to start.

  3. When Blockly is opened, two blocks will be there. These blocks let you control KINI, and choose when it will do actions.


a. The first block is “Repeat Once.” If you put an action into this block it will only happen one time. The order that you put the actions in this block matters; the first action that you put in the block will happen first, then the second action, then the third action, and so on.

b. The second block is “Repeat Forever.” If you put an action into this block it will always happen, so the order does not matter.

  1. To find an action to put into these blocks, you can choose any of the tabs on the left side to see all of the options.
